Domestic Students

This policy ensures that Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) meets its legal and ethical requirements in regard to the collection, storage and disclosure of the personal information it holds in regards to individuals. This policy and procedure contributes to compliance with Clause 8.5 of the Standards.
ASQA means Australian Skills Quality Authority, the national VET regulator and the RTO’s registering body.
Personal information means ‘information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable’:
‘Whether the information or opinion is true or not;
‘Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.’
Standards means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 from the VET Quality Framework which can be accessed at
1. Privacy Principles
Personal information is collected from individuals in order that Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) can carry out its business functions. Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) only collects and stores information that is directly related to its business purposes and legal requirements of providing nationally recognised training and assessment.
In collecting personal information, Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) complies with the requirements set out in the Privacy Act 1988 and the relevant privacy legislation and regulations of the states and territories in which the RTO operates.
This means Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) ensures each individual:
- Knows why their information is being collected, how it will be used and who it will be disclosed to.
- Is able to access their personal information upon request.
- Does not receive unwanted direct marketing.
- Can ask for personal information that is incorrect to be corrected.
- Can make a complaint about Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) if you consider that your personal information has been mishandled.
A. Request to access records
- Individuals may request to access their records by using the Request to Access Records Form. Written requests should be sent to the head office.
- Requests may be from past or current students or other individuals. It may be to access records held in a file about a student, or access to a previously issued AQF certification document – refer to the AQF Certification Policy & Procedure.
- Upon receiving a completed form, confirm the request is valid and has been made by the individual to which the records relate – check identification documents.
- Arrangements for provision of records should be made as suitable – mailing copies, providing a time for records to be viewed etc.
- Arrangements should be made verbally and confirmed in writing within 10 days of receiving the request.
- Where records are to be mailed, they should only be mailed to the address that is held on file for that individual, unless alternate hange of address information is provided along with proof of identity – such as a driver’s license or utility bill.
- Where records are to be shown to an individual, the student must produce photo ID prior and this should be matched to the records held on file about the individual to confirm they are only viewing their own records.
- Keep a note on how the records were accessed on the individuals file.
B. Request for records to be amended
- Where an individual requests for incorrect records held about them to be corrected, they can do so by filling in an Amendment to Records Request Form.
- If it is a change of address or contact details of a current student, they can use the Student Change of Details Form.
Advise the individual accordingly of the actions taken to follow up their request.
We are committed to ensuring that you get all the support you need to be successful in your studies. You may not have studied for a while and you might need help with study skills. You may also need assistance with skills such as reading, writing and maths.
The enrolment form you complete will help us to identify any support you need and depending on the course you are enrolling in, you may also be required to complete a test that assesses your language, literacy and numeracy skills. Based on the information you provide in your enrolment and/or the results of your language, literacy and numeracy test, we will contact you to discuss your support needs.
Your support needs can also be discussed during the induction to your course.
Some examples of the type of support that we can offer include:
1. Literacy
- Providing essential writing tasks.
- Considering the use of group exercises for assessments
- Providing examples and models of completed tasks
- Ensuring that documents and forms are written and formatted in plain English.
- Using clear headings, highlighting certain key words or phrases.
- Providing explanations of all technical terms used.
2. Language
- Presenting information in small chunks and speaking clearly, concisely and not too quickly.
- Giving clear instructions in a logical sequence.
- Giving lots of practical examples.
- Encouraging you to ask questions
- Asking questions to ensure you understand.
3. Numeracy
- There is a numeracy standard required for higher qualifications. However, we encourage the use of calculators.
For more information, please refer to downloadable Student Handbook DOWNLOAD
The training and assessment offered by Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) focuses on providing you with knowledge and skills required to the standard of performance required in the workplace. This is known as competency based training and assessment. Each of the components of your course is a “unit of competency”. You may either be studying one or a few units of competency or a set of units that make up a total qualification. Each unit of competency is linked to specific skills and knowledge required in the workplace.
Assessment methods vary depending on the course but usually include;
- written and/or oral questions,
- written assignments,
- projects and practical observations
- Workplace tasks
For more information, please refer to downloadable Student Handbook DOWNLOAD
Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) is regulated by specific legislation and the laws and regulations (Australian Skills Quality Authority – ASQA, Australian Qualifications Framework – AQF and the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development – Higher Education and Skills), that apply to all Registered Training Organisations in Australia.
It is our intention to exceed the requirements of these standards and provide students with high quality facilities, staff, training and support that will surpass their expectations.
Please feel free to read our Student Information handbook to ensure you familiarise yourself with all of the policies and procedures relating to Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT).
This policy and procedure ensures compliance with Standard 6 of the Standards.
Complaints and appeals should be made in writing using the Complaints and Appeals Form, or other
written format and sent to Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT)’s head office or postal address, attention to the Chief Executive Officer.
Appeals must be made within 30 calendar days of the original decision being made.
Appeal means a request for a decision made by Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) to be reviewed.
Complaint means a person’s formal expression of dissatisfaction with any product or service provided by Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT).
Services means training, assessment, related educational and support services and/or activities related to the recruitment of prospective learners. It does not include services such as student counselling, mediation or ICT support.
Standards means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 from the VET Quality Framework.
It is expected that each RTO collects, analyses and acts on relevant data for continuous improvement of training and assessment.
In particular the information that are to be gather are as follows;
- Employer satisfaction (competency development, and training and assessment quality)
Learner engagement (learner engagement and competency development)
Competency completion Competency completion (the number of completions of qualifications and units of competency)
Kordon Institute of Technology (KiT) 121748, reserves the rights to make reasonable adjustments to cancel, postpone or reschedule of classes (subject to numbers) if enrolments are not received to satisfactory requirements.